My take: Praying during the coronavirus crisis

I hope and pray that readers of my article are doing well in this difficult time, Ameen.

We all should listen to the instructions of the government to prevent unnecessary meetings during this outbreak, in order to control the spread. Having said that, let’s not forget our religious obligations and the service to mankind which is the primary part of our faith. We must pray wholeheartedly that Allah relieves mankind from this deadly virus and enables us to believe in Him.

The Promised Messiah (as) says: “Man cannot attain nearness to Allah unless he performs prayers as it behoves to do so.”

The current situation has affected the attendance in our mosques. It is naturally very difficult to maintain social distancing during congregational prayers. Therefore, a solution to this problem has been given by our beloved Imam (aba) in recent Friday sermon, dated 27th March 2020.
Hazur (aba) said: Ahmadi Muslims should continue to offer their Friday prayers within the confines of their own homes in those countries where restrictions on religious services had been ordered by the authorities. His Holiness said, where this would enable them to fulfill their religious obligations it would also enable Ahmadi Muslims to increase their religious knowledge, whilst preparing sermons to deliver within their homes.
I believe that we will be judged on our performance during this outbreak. An Ahmadi Tifl should make a stronger connection with his creator and always be thankful for having the blessings of khilafat among us.
Stay Home – Stay Safe


03rd April 2020